Enrolment Information
Broome Senior High School welcomes prospective students and enquiries from parents and/or guardians. To streamline the enrolment process, we recommend completing our electronic enrolment form and submitting this along with all required supporting documentation to broome.shs@education.wa.edu.au.
If your child has any medical condition(s) please ensure you contact the school and also complete the relevant Medical Form(s).
Alternatively, if you prefer, you have the option to print and manually complete the electronic Enrolment Form.
Please submit with all supporting documents in person to the school front office at 69 Frederick St, Broome, Western Australia 6725 or post to PO Box 1316, BROOME WA 6725. As per the Department of Education’s Enrolment Policy, the following supporting documents need to be supplied with the enrolment:
- Birth certificate of the child (or Certificate of Citizenship/Residency if not born in Australia)
- Passport or Visa (for non-Australian citizens)
Child’s Medicare Australian Immunisation Record (no older than 2 months).
- You can find more information on immunisation statements by clicking here
- Last two school reports
- Family/Court order documents (if applicable)
- Health Condition Form(s) (if applicable)
Overseas students
Students born overseas must hold either an Australian passport, citizenship papers or an appropriate visa before applying to the school. Those without an Australian passport during the application process must present their Visa Grant Form and passport upon enrolment.
Enrolment Confirmation
Once a student’s enrolment process is finalized, the year leader will make contact. It is preferable to schedule a convenient meeting time before the student’s commencement date. This meeting provides an opportunity to discuss subject choices, student interests and determine the best ways to support them during their school tenure. It also allows for addressing any remaining questions or concerns.
For further information, please reach out to the school at (08) 9195 3100 or via email at broome.shs@education.wa.edu.au
Community and Cluster primary schools intake: Year 6 to Year 7 Transition
At the onset of Term 4 each year, the Year 6 Transition Coordinator and Year 7 Leadership Team will visit all Broome Cluster primary schools and Kimberley community schools to support the transition of Year 6 students to high school.
During these visits, the Leadership Team acquaints students with high school life and what to expect as a Year 7 student at Broome Senior High School. Students also learn about school rules, uniforms, class structure, the school canteen, sporting and extracurricular activities and after-school homework classes. This is a fantastic opportunity for Year 6 students to ask questions and prepare for the year ahead. Enrolment packs are delivered to the primary schools prior to these visits.
Year 6 Students wanting to enrol who do not currently attend one of the Cluster primary schools or community schools, can contact the school directly for more information and an electronic Enrolment Form on (08) 9195 3100. We would encourage all parents to submit these to Broome Senior High School’s administration office before the end of the school year.